
our 3 core values

Connect to Control

It is about fostering a sense of community and connection among fighters and martial artists. By connecting with others, fighters and martial artists can gain the support and guidance they need to control their minds and emotions and ultimately reach their full potential. We provide solutions to this by offering community events, forums, and online groups that facilitate these connections.

Create to Position

It is about using creativity and innovation to find new solutions to old problems. As a fighter or martial artist, being creative and adaptive in your training and fighting strategies can position you for success in the ring and in life. As an instructor or academy owner, being creative and adaptive in your teaching strategies can position your academy for success. We provide solutions to this by offering a variety of training programs and coaching that focus on developing creative and adaptive strategies.

Grow to Submit

It is about continuously learning, growing, and submitting to the process of becoming a better fighter, martial artist, instructor, or academy owner. We understand that each step of the journey is a process, and the true measure of success is the effort and dedication put into becoming the best version of oneself. We provide solutions to this by providing a wide range of resources such as training programs, coaching, and workshops that focus on personal growth and development.


At Fighter Affiliate, we understand the evolution of fighters and martial artists, from learning techniques to mastering them and becoming an instructor, and eventually, an academy owner. Our core values of “Connect to Control, Create to Position, and Grow to Submit” are the foundation of this evolution, and are designed to empower fighters and martial artists at every stage of their journey



fighters & Martial Artists



Gym & Academy Owners

Connecting all categories so that everyone has the opportunity to cycle naturally back to number one (1.) as a newcomer

Repeat the process, live to fight again, and other days to come while training, teaching, and having fun within the industry you know and love!

Building Leaders:

At Fighter Affiliate, we strive to empower fighters and martial artists to reach their full potential by providing the resources and support they need to evolve into successful instructors and academy owners.

We are not just about empowering fighters and martial artists. We are about growing leaders. We understand the evolutionary process of a fighter or academy owner, and we aim to facilitate and grow leaders who can repeat our process and partner with those who are already cycling in this process. Our core values are the foundation of this evolution and are designed to empower fighters and martial artists at every stage of their journey.

Our mission is to be your partner in this evolution, providing the resources and support needed to push through challenges and emerge victorious! We offer a very selective option for those within the sport, community, and industries.

Our goal is not only to empower you to reach your full potential, but also to create a community of leaders that can help repeat this process, and partner with those that are already cycling in this evolutionary process. Join us in our mission, and let us be your guide on this journey, as we empower you to become a leader and make an impact in the world of fighting and martial arts.