
Our sponsorship program is designed to provide opportunities for both fighters and martial artists within the community and businesses within the industry.
 As an athlete, you’ll have a list of potential sponsors to negotiate: engagement strategies, compensation, and/or partnership deals. Join us to get sponsored today!

our purpose is to help athletes

-As a business owner, you will have a wide selection of communities, events, athletes, influencers, and/or programs provided for you to develop sponsorship campaigns.

– You may also choose to sponsor us, which will cater to its own incentiveized category! Our sponsorship program offers a variety of options for monetization. From product placement to event sponsorship, we work closely with our community members to create customized sponsorship packages that align with their goals and values. This allows them to not only gain financial support but also to connect with sponsors who are committed to their success.

On the other hand, businesses within the industry can also benefit from our sponsorship program by connecting with a dedicated and passionate community of fighters and martial artists. Our program offers opportunities for visibility and exposure, as well as the ability to align with like-minded individuals and organizations. This allows businesses to gain new customers and expand their reach.  Join us in our mission to revolutionize the industry and become a sponsor today!

Future for Combat Sports:

Through our efforts and initiative, we aim to create a future for the sports and industry where fighters and martial artists can reach their full potential, and businesses can thrive in a supportive and inclusive environment

We want to create a more inclusive and diverse community. We hope to cater to all those involved or looking to be involved in a martial art or combat sport, from athletes to teachers, influencers, entrepreneurs, and more

Our sponsors, monetization strategies, and automated approach are all designed to empower individuals to achieve their goals for success. By partnering with sponsors from various niches, we provide the community with the resources and support they need to take their careers to the next level


Through our monetization strategies, overall, participants will have the opportunity to monetize their skills and passion. Some of the most common monetization strategies for fighters include sponsorships, advertising, endorsements, merchandise, pay-per-view matches, and streaming services. For sponsorships, fighters can look for local and national sponsors who are willing to pay for the exposure their brand will get by being associated with the fighter. For advertising, they can partner with local gyms, supplement companies, clothing brands, etc. to display their logos on their clothing, banners, and more.


Diversification in the fighting industry can help ensure that different fighting disciplines are represented and supported. This could include various arts like boxing, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu, and kickboxing, to name a few. Having these different fighting styles, it creates an environment that is more competitive while also providing more opportunities to those in the industry. Diversification also helps create a larger fan base and more potential for media coverage.

Software Automation

Our automated approach streamlines the process of becoming involved in the sport by introducing new talent to a desired fighting style. Automating software can help the fighting community drive forward by making it easier to access necessary resources and share information quickly. This could include creating a platform to stream live fights, creating databases to track various fighters and their stats, and automating the process of finding and reserving venues or opponents. Additionally, automated software can help streamline the process of creating and organizing tournaments, generating schedules, and tracking progress and results. By utilizing automation, the fighting community can increase their efficiency and save time and resources to be able to do what they love best!